rooted in the broad spectrum of disciplines of the institution, ic project will explore the convergence and integration between brain research and ai,as well as accelerate the innovation and development of natural sciences and humanities.
convergence research project for brain research and artificial intelligence
(intelligence covergence project-ic)
the quest of brain research is to uncover the nature of brain cognition, consciousness and intelligence. ai is committed to the realization of machine-borne intelligence. brain research employs ai to investigate the correspondence and feedback connections between brain functions and its structures, while ai realizes machine intelligence and its applications on the basis of human cognition mechanisms. the development of these two fields are undergoing continuous trend of crossvergence and convergence.
centering on these two areas -human intelligence and machine intelligence-, zju ic will promote their cross exploration and deep integration to deliver great technological innovations, address complex societal issues, reshape the national industrial system and enhance china’s core competitiveness. through the ic project, our scientific understanding of the nature of intelligence will be broadened and the exploitation of brain functions expanded. technologically, it will be extensively applied in areas, such as diagnosis and therapy for brain diseases, smart healthcare, smart city, digital economy and education, to advance the development of smart industry and healthcare.
the project draws on the academic prowess of zju in brain research and ai, backed by strong research infrastructure and our renowned experts and young talented faculty in neuroscience, cognitive science,ai, computer science,control science, nanomaterials, life science, clinic medicine and psychological science.