we are committed to educate future physicians, scientists, oral health care leaders, public health pioneers to facing biomedical revolution and rapid world challenge.  


  • mbbs for international students
  • bachelor of prevention medicine
  • ​bachelor of stomatology
  • bachelor of medicine


contact:admission affairs office, international college

  • joint degree
  • clinical elective
  • summer/winter school
  • prevention medicine
  • stomatology
  • clinical medicine

  • 8-year md program

    in the first four years, students shall complete non-medical undergraduate study and medical prerequisite courses; in the next four years, students shall complete the doctoral degree in medicine at school of medicine. therefore, the eight-year training program for clinical medicine is divided into three parts: the first four years’ chu kochen honors college training program and medical prerequisite courses, and zusm training program in the next four years.

  • “5 3” integrated program

     the “5 3” integrated program of clinical medicine major means that undergraduate medical education is completed in the first five years, professional master degree completed in the next three years. meanwhile, the standardized training of national resident physicians is completed, so as to integrate the college education of undergraduates and graduates with post-graduate medical education.  

  • 5-year program

     “1 2 2” model, namely 1 year of general education 2 years of medical courses 2 years of clinical training. in the first year of intensive general education, multidisciplinary integration stirs more innovation with innovation and entrepreneurship courses, individual courses, cross-major modules, international modules, and micro minors as well as the integration of “four classrooms”, which is for out of classroom activities.
